April 26, 2007

"We are not leaving this town until we find some nipple shields!"

This will make it into my top ten list of things I thought I would never hear my husband say. If you don't know what nipple shields are - don't ask. I just thought I would give you an update on how we are doing. We are getting the hang of this a little at a time. Today I actually made dinner!!! One of the hardest things for me is not being able to serve my husband in the same way I used to. I know that eventually, as I get used to parenthood, I will be able to serve him like I used to.
Today we also went for our two week checkup and everything is just perfect. I got some tips of breastfeeding from our pediatrician. Elias has gained back all his birthweight and then some: 7 lbs. 14 oz. I still have to roll up the sleeves on much of his clothing but it won't be long until he fits into all of it. He was also circumcised today, which was just as traumatic for me as it was for him. But he's doing great. He's sleeping right now.

I'm proud of myself for making some time to blog. More later.


Jeana said...

I'm only assuming why you would need nipple shields, but if I'm right I highly recommend getting some Soothies.


If you can't find those exact ones, I've seen some made by Gerber in Target and Fred Meyer. It WILL get easier and it sounds like you're doing great!

Gail said...

most mom blogs are hyper boring...but really, you are hysterical! bravo on being a funny mom!

Dena said...

Hi Annie! It's Dena from your freshman days at MBC; remember me? Visit my blog and post your email if you wish to connect! Congratulations on new baby! And on your marriage to Paul! I remember both of you.


Annie said...

Hey thanks guys! It's good to catch up with old friends.
The nipple shield is for an ongoing problem that involves Elias prefering to only nurse on one side. This is a problem because I am a little - um - lopsided now!

Aly sun said...

Oh, nursing is such a joy. You are now qulified to contribute to my sister's book, "Whose Breasts Are These?" It's about the struggle to keep everyone happy while nursing.
It will get easier! You will feel like yourself again! You do need to give yourself a break!
Happy mommying --