Finally feeling better....On Thursday I came down with a pretty nasty virus. I spent most of Friday and Saturday flat on my back on the couch or bed. I AM going to work tomorrow, mostly because it's getting pretty boring around here. Yesterday Paul took me to the movie store and the Super Walmart to get some Top Ramen (the only thing that sounds good) and soft tissues. I am going to watch Akelah and the Bee today. By the way, I had a bit of a "thirtysomething" moment yesterday when I was in the video store (I know I'm only 29 but it's close enough). I was standing in a line to rent my video and it was quite long so I had alot of time to space out and watch those TV's that they always have previewing movies that they want you to rent. But this time it wasn't a preview, it was a Prince video, you know, the artist "formerly known as prince" that was extremely popular in the 80's and 90's. There were two teenage boys behind me.
"That guy looks freaky."
"Yeah, who IS that?"
Yeah, they didn't know who Prince was. Now let me tell you, I have never owned a Prince album AND I actually do think he is a bit scary AND we never even had MTV growing up (thank goodness), but, I COULD pick him out of a lineup. These kids had no idea. I am no longer YOUNG. Don't get me wrong, I am not sad about that, it just came as kind of a blow.
The mountain of tissues by the computer is getting high. I finally feel like maybe, just maybe, I could do a little laundry today. Paul is at church now, I'm glad because I think he was getting a little cabin fever with me not being able to go anywhere. He cleaned the whole house yesterday. What a guy!

By the way, this is my favorite product for fighting colds. You probably all have heard of it or have some at home. It's wonderful! It's called Emergen-C. Better than Airborne, I think.