August 18, 2005

sunflower Posted by Picasa
my blackberry picking buddies Posted by Picasa
evening walk Posted by Picasa
our garden sunflower Posted by Picasa

August 16, 2005

Well, I'm officially here back at school getting my classroom ready for the new year. We've had our fun and now it's back to work. I really enjoy the days when no one is around and I can get a whole bunch of stuff done. I feels good to be back.

Take your daughter to work
I had to steal this picture from my friend Alysun's blog just IN CASE you don't read her blog (you should, you know). I'm not really sure what piece of farm equipment this is but Jeff seems to taking time to teach Emma the basics of farming. I love it!

August 15, 2005

I had to change the format of my comments to allow only registered users. I had been getting some sales comments. I still love your comments!
"any die hard garage sale shopper's motto is: buy first, think later"

-Sarah Marie Chance

I haven't done much garage saling this year because we really don't have room for much more stuff, but it is by far one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I love a bargain! And so does my Dad. He bought my mom a surger (this is like a sewing machine only better) for 25 dollars last weekend that had been used once. My best find ever was a Kitchenaid Mixer for 50 dollars at an estate sale. Although an estate sale is pretty morbid (going through a dead persons belongings) the thrill of the deal is very exciting to me. I would describe it as "morbidly thrilling".

August 14, 2005

Campfire Posted by Picasa
Nehalem Bay (Kara and Annie) Posted by Picasa
wahoo Posted by Picasa