Thirty more school days and counting...and I can't believe all I need to do before school gets out. Did I really teach them all I needed to? I guess it'll have to do. This is that panic time of year again, but also exciting because, well, thirty more days until FREEDOM. I am planning a very full summer. My brother and sister in law might start a fruit stand that I will help with, I am going to camp, going to Alaska, I have a week long math class to take, actually, I am a little afraid that I won't get my canning done. Ah, that would be a tragedy. Paul and I are on a high-stress course until classes are over for him. If you know us, you know that we are low-stress people. We really try hard to live slowly and purposefully, but the world has gotten the better of us. We miss having people over for dinner and hanging out, just the two of us.
Yesterday I took care of my two year old nephew for the whole day. It was a lot of fun, but I think I tried to have TOO much fun. We played at the playground, and we went swimming, and we went to McDonald's (this is his restaurant of choice) and we played with Paul and we played at Grandma's house. By the end of the day he was ALL wound up, but also really tired, so, you know the rest of the story...
The whole day I kept apologizing to him. "I'm sorry, Wes, Aunt Nanny doesn't know how to put on the swimming diaper." or "I'm sorry Wes, I don't know what 'nee' means." Sooner or later I will get the hang of it, I hope.
Today we witnessed the baptism of some of our friends, Brandon and Casey, and I always cry at baptisms but this was really special, it was really neat to see their enthusiasm for Jesus. And then we took the membership class for our church. So now we are enjoying the calm before the storm of the week takes over, maybe watch a movie from the library. I am off now to make "sweet potato quesadillas", I know it sounds like a bad idea, but it's from a reputable source. Have a great week!