I looked back at my list of things I wanted to accomplish this summer just to see how I was doing.
List of things I want to do this summer:
1. Garden (paul has this one covered although I sometimes feel guilty about not doing my fair share of gardening)
2. Eat most meals outside (it hasn't really been warm enough yet)
3. Go for a walk every day (failing in this category)
4. Learn to fish (check)
5. Read a book by a new author (Jamie Langston Turner)
6. Learn to sew (I am going to start working on this any day now)
7. Convince Paul and my landlords to let me get a dog (the next best thing, Dexter)
8. Train my new dog (We have been trying, but Ozzie is not a good influence)
So far, so good. I still have a good month and a half of freedom before I go back to school, and to tell you the truth, I am starting to get excited about September. I'm hopeless - I miss school!