February 16, 2007

"Might I inquire as to how you came about these?



Decidedly not."

-Pirates of the Carribean

overstimulated children...sweat...sugar...and wheels...

Yes, today we had our annual reward party at the roller skating rink. In my list of thing I should be exempt from due to my large tummy: tying ten pair of roller skates and ten pair of shoes, also tracking down said shoes (they sometimes sprout legs and run away), also riding in a school bus full of sweaty, sugared up children for 45 minutes, also keeping track of the finances of ten 5 year olds at a gift shop.

I am iron woman. I have recently been exposed to both whooping cough and strep throat (along with all the other run of the mill illnesses that fester in an elementary school) and am still completely healthy. Of course the minute one says something like that is the very minute the illness gods start working against them.

The good thing about today is that it's Friday. After school I went to the gym, came home and made tacos, and now Paul and I are watching Pirates of the Carribean. It's a three day weekend. Life is good.

Included in the phrases I seem to repeat over and over again these days:

April 17th. (my due date)

A boy. (boy or girl)

I feel great. (people don't really want to know if you feel bad)

Elias Paul. (do you have a name picked out?)

Walk please.

Quiet voices please.

Excuse me, what is your job right now? (get back on track, kid)

I also get the bewildered, "you're still working out?" question. If I were to be completely truthful with you, working out makes me feel so much better, that I have a hard time NOT working out. It loosens up those achy joints, gives me more energy, stretches me out, all the good things it's supposed to do.

Another question I am getting asked quite a bit is whether or not I am coming back to work after the baby, usually from parents who have younger children and were looking forward to having me as thier child's teacher. It makes me feel really good that they want me to stay. BUT - when I say that I'd like to be a full time mom for a while, working mom's always feel the need to explain to me why they HAD to go back to work. I think there is a little guilt involved here, because I am a teacher and I am supposed to know what's best for kids, and I am making a decision for my child that is different from the one they made for thiers. I am not happy about the guilt, but what can you do?

Have a great weekend. We've got some great things planned. Babies'r'us is in the picture. Seeing friends and family too.

I'd like to leave you with another quote from Pirates of the Carribean (as you can tell I am barely watching it).

"I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

Captian Jack Sparrow

February 15, 2007

Pregnancy Update

"Life is hard enough without having someone kick you from the inside."

-Rita Rudner

"Watch out, guys!! She's pregnant!"


Hi. I'm still here. Last week I had my 30 week appointment (I'm 31 weeks now, 9 weeks left!!!). It seems like my due date is so close, but also so far away. Everything was fine at my appointment. My Dr. said that hopefully at the next appt. we will be able to tell what position the baby is in. I feel like we are really unprepared as far as what we actually have for the baby. But we keep reminding ourselves that a baby doesn't really need much. I am taking childbirth classes this month, which has been very interesting. I feel like I have joined a secret society of women who know how to breathe (he he who). How is this actually going to help me? I'm not sure.
I got an MP3 player for Christmas. I don't really fully know how to use it yet but I DO know how to put a podcast on it, and one of my favorites is the pregtastic podcast. The name is pretty corny but I am enjoying listening to it. I am also enjoying sermons from Andy Stanley, NPR's driveway moments, and of course This American Life.
Elias is still moving quite a bit and we absolutely can't wait to meet him. What a blessing. I still can't believe that we are actually having a baby.
Paul is looking for a job, since he graduates in March. We may have to move for a job, which I am actually a little excited about. I am praying that he will find a job that he really likes.
Have a great day!