Well, since my new blog is not up and running yet, I'll post my birth story here for now. We are head over heals in love with our Elias. On Saturday morning around 2:30am I started feeling contractions painful enough to keep me awake, so I went downstairs and did the dishes. Since I was awake I wanted to get them done in case we went to the hospital (this is something pregnant women do - there is no logic to it). My contractions were still about 10 minutes apart, so I tried to get back in bed with Paul. By about 5:30am they were so strong that I was gripping Paul's arm and breathing through them, so we decided to go in to the hospital. We got there and checked around 7 am and they monitored my contractions for about 10 minutes. I was about 5 cm dialated. The nurse said, "Let's have a baby!" and she made me fill out a lunch menu because she knew I would have Elias before lunch. By 9am when the doctor checked me I was dialated to 8 cm. The nurse guided us through a different labor positions, standing, side lying, rocking back and forth. My labor progressed more quickly than I thought it would, although since I had been dialated to three for almost four weeks my body was REALLy ready to have this baby. By about 10:30 I was in the transition stage and Paul was breathing through the contractions with me. Baby Elias was born at 11:17am. I can't remember when I started pushing but I don't think it was longer than twenty minutes.
My goal was an unmedicated birth and (by God's grace) it all went according to plan. I had also prayed for a good nurse. Our nurse was so wonderful. If any of you know Paul and his aversion to medical situations, you know that it is a miracle that he was able to be there, for the whole thing AND be able to coach me through it. Our nurse gave him a very important role in bringing Elias into the world and we know that it was a big answer to prayer. My mom was also there and coached me and breathed with me when Paul wasn't available. I think that took the pressure off Paul feeling like he HAD to be there for me. My mom has the real heart of a servant and is willing to step in whenever she is needed. She took two days off of work this week to come and be with Elias so that I could sleep, because parenthood really took a toll on me those first few days. Back to the labor: I have been reflecting on the labor and delivery and how painful but also amazing it was. Because it was unmedicated I REALLY felt EVERY part of the process and it IS a really amazing process. I totally understand the need for medication and I think if my labor had been longer I might have gone that route, because pain is so so so tiring, I don't think I would have had the energy to push at the end of it all.
When they layed Elias on my chest at first I couldn't believe how perfect he was. I also has a great sense of accomplishment. I remember thinking, "I can't believe I just did that!" He didn't have a huge cry, more like a lot of little grunting, which was cute. I remember thinking how long his feet were ( a Robinson thing).
Right now Elias is looking for his food and I need to change him, so I'll finish this later...
...Well, it's now the next day, so you can see that "the boss" took up the rest of my night. It's time for you to meet our new boss. Elias was seven pounds one ounce at birth and 21 inches long. When we went his first doctor's visit on Wednesday they told us he is the the 87% percentile for height and the 17% percentile for weight, so he is a long, skinny boy (just like his papa). At first we had a little trouble regulating his body temperature, because he is so skinny, but now that he has been eating so much it's gotten much better. He has been known to nurse for three hours straight. The up side to this is that he sleeps longer when he eats so much. He is a very happy, healthy boy. We took him out to coffee the other day and he was so good to sleep through the whole thing and let his mom and dad have a nice date. We haven't been out of the house much yet. I have ordered a sling online and am hoping that will make me more mobile. I hadn't wanted to spend the money on one before this but I am starting to see the benefits.
I started this post three days ago. Parenthood has been a big adjustment for me and I would appreciate your prayers as I acclamate to this new life. Everything is so new and takes so much thought, and my thinking skills aren't the best when I'm running on little sleep. Add to this the overwhelming emotions of new love for this little life and it's enough to put me over the edge sometimes. Every day I feel a bit more empowered that I can do this, of course I can. Eventually I will start answering my phone, returning my emails, and taking care of business. But right now we're just falling in love, and as much joy as that brings, it can bring tension as well. If you made it this far, we're glad you took the time to meet Elias.