April 17, 2004

Just got back from a Saturday morning walk with my good friend Kara and good dog Tucker. It's a good day for baking something to take to our friends house tonight. By the way, my husband is s-t-i-l-l wearing the old T-shirts and now when I comment about it he just laughs at me.
Why did the words on my blog suddenly become bigger? If anyone knows how to fix this please email me.

April 14, 2004

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

Someone please tell me what this is all about: I buy my husband white T-shirts at JC Penney's - they are a certain brand because that's all he likes. I bought the same exact T-shirts that he wears now. Yet he is still wearing the old T-shirts. You can see his skin tone thru the shirt!

A few weeks ago:

ME: Here are your new T-shirts.
Paul: The are too big.
ME: They will shrink. They are exactly the same size as the ones you have now.
Paul: OK


ME: Why are you wearing your old T-shirts?
Paul: They are too long. You said they would shrink but they haven't.

I give up.
One thing I hate about this week: Easter candy. Sugar was not meant to be consumed in large portions. It makes kids just plain creepy.

April 13, 2004

Kindergartener shows me a picture of a rainbow:

"Is this a shooting star?"

My nephew turned three weeks old yesterday. I got to hold him on Saturday for the very first time. For a three week old baby he makes really funny faces. He was sleeping in a basinet that my mom has at her house and at one point my whole family was in there just staring at him. We are officially IN LOVE.

Some of you know that due to recent events our car is no longer capable of speeds higher than 40 miles per hour. This makes traveling difficult and slow and going to costco almost impossible. Well, this morning I am going to pick up our new (to us) Ford Ranger!!! It will be the first car we have ever bought together. Is anyone in the market for a fabulously well aged Nissan Sentra - great "around town" car.

April 11, 2004

Quote of the day:

"So...how often do you wash a kid like this?"

-my little brother to my sister in law about her three week old son