Ultrasounds, Sugar, and BellybuttonsThe ultrasound went really well. Paul's prediction, "He's gonna be a chubby kid - I can tell." I was actually farther along than I thought I was, but only by about four days. Everything showed that me and my baby are very healthy. Until I see my doctor though, I can't excerise. And I really enjoy that, so it's a bummer. I am going to put pictures on tomorrow, but right now my computer is acting strange. The baby was moving around ALOT! I asked the technician if the baby had hiccups, because that's exactly what it looked like. She said no, they just move like that sometimes, sporatically. I was surprised that I still can't feel the baby moving, it was seriously moving THAT MUCH. I'll get to see him/her again in about 6 weeks for my 20 week ultrasound, when we will find out the sex. I went right out to JoAnns and bought a few scrapbooking things so I can scrapbook the pictures. Seeing the baby made things quite a bit more real to me, and I am having urges to PREPARE, even though I know that birth is a long way off.
This is totally unrelated, today as I was driving home I heard a commercial for ......... sugar. Yes, sugar. What make sugar producers feel that they need to promote thier product? I would hope that they could gage by America's rapidly expanding waistline just how popular and addictive thier product is. Now don't get me wrong, I love sugar (my current craving being SweetTarts, yum!). I eat plenty of it, nothing artificial here. But come on, is sugar really in danger of extinction?
Another funny thing from my classroom. First of all I need to say that I am really enjoying sharing this pregnancy experience with my kindergarteners. As soon as I let the staff know I ended up telling my kids because, well, news travels fast in a small valley. So they've known for a few weeks.
Kindergartener: "you know Mrs. Robinson...
slight rabbit trail here. You have no idea the names that I will respond to... sometimes they just call me Robinson, or Robin, not out of disrespect but because they are trying to tell me something and the words just won't come fast enough. Also Wobinson, Teacher, Hey You, Mom, Grandma, and names of other teachers in the building, etc. anyway....
"you know, Mrs. Robinson, when you eat your baby eats." (this was right before lunchtime)
"Yes, I know, that's good thinking."
(the other students pondered this for a bit - you could see the wheels turning)
Another Kindergartener: "You mean it goes down your throat and then the baby opens up it's mouth and then he swallows it, right?"
ME: Not exactly.
Thus began a discussion about umbilical cords and bellybuttons, and before it got too graphic (and it CAN in a kindergarten classroom) it was time to go to lunch. Saved!