One time, when I was young, my brother and I were in the same Sunday School class. It was a small church. The Sunday School teacher (bless her heart) asked us the inevitable question about what had been going on in our lives.
My brother liked to tell stories. Mostly ones that weren't true. So while him and I were there in front of everyone he made up a story about how his family had gone to Hawaii that week on Alaska Airlines. Being young and innocent I first thought, "wait a minute, did I miss something..." Then I thought, "is he really stupid enough to let me catch him lying so I can tell on him". As much as my brother liked to lie, I liked to tattle.
Then I realized, "
It's fun to lie!" I felt a camaraderie with him, and even thought about helping him out. Even as an adult, I sometimes wonder whether I could make up stories and get away with it. The thought crossed my mind earlier today. "What if I started a blog that only contained made up stories by me?" The thought was electrifying! This is what is so beautiful about blogging.
P.S. I mean lying in the most non-harmful way :)