We did not go to Yosemite after all. We took a day trip to Mt. Ranier and it satisfied out outdoor cravings for a while. We want to go back to Mineral Lake in the town on Mineral, Washington to fish. Actually we would like to live in Mineral, Washington (population 250) someday. Paul and I bought fishing liscenses for the first time this year and so far we have caught one fish and boken one pole. We are about seventy dollars into this (liscenses, poles) and have one tiny little fish. My brother Daniel reminded me that most people don't really fish so that they can eat fish, they fish because it's a great hobby. He said this one time when I complained because I didn't catch anything one day. I guess this is true but I still like to think that I will eat enough fish this summer to come out on top!
So our sister in law, Anna, has inspired us to start our own business. She has started her own making _____(I won't tell because I don't want anyone to copy her idea). Paul is struggling to find a job this summer because the job market around Lewis County just really stinks. We decided to try and sell some of his pictures. We'll see how it goes. He has some really, really good ones and everyone is always encouraging him to sell them. We are in the process of learning how to use photoshop.
I am absolutely loving this summer break thing. Tomorrow we will garage sale (I always missed the good friday sales before school got out) and help out my brother (Pastor Kyle) at a youth group event. It's so nice to have time to do things that you enjoy doing. Before you get jealous remember that before school got out I was working like crazy! I will be working even more like crazy next year with kindergarten AND first grade. So I will enjoy this time now. I think I may be making up for lost blogging so pardon my longwindedness.