In an effort to attract more pet birds to our house, Paul is putting in a birdbath. I'll let you know how it works out. No luck on the dog issue either. I tried pleading in my most pitiful voice. He's immune. So we can have more birds, but no dog, where's the logic in that!!!
Odd experience of the week:
We bought a book about our new truck (manual type) on the other day. A few hours later a man shows up at our door with the book and money to reimburse for the shipping we paid. HE LIVED IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Of all the places in the world this book could come from, he lived in our NEIGHBORHOOD. It actually wierded me out a little.
For those of you who don't know how works: if you have a book you want to sell you can just post it on this website and people can buy them from you and it's your responsibility to send it to them. Kind of like eBay without the bidding.
May 26, 2004
(this is my 101st post to my blog!)
Student draws many slashes, dashes, and squiggly lines in thier journal.
"Look Mrs. Robinson, I'm writing in Chinese."
May 24, 2004
For a reward today let the kids watch "The Fox and the Hound". We watched half of it on Friday and half today. I am amazed at how much kids love that movie even though it was made in my childhood. Our family had a record of the soundtrack to the Fox and the Hound and we used to listen to it over and over. I can still hear Big Momma...
Sharing this morning: (kids get to share things that happened to them or are important to them)
I am Annie, a wife to Paul, soon-to-be mamma, and kindergarten teacher to ten sweethearts. I love to read, bake, blog, knit and spend time outdoors with my husband. My husband and I are Christ followers.