December 10, 2005

And I though MY husband was crazy about Christmas. (this is a video)

December 08, 2005

"Teacher, I sang that song at Temptation Bible School last summer."


Dad and Annie sell Christmas trees at church for an Alaska missions trip we are planning for.

Paul cuts down our tree. This is ALMOST Paul's favorite part of Christmas, searching for the perfect tree and cutting it down. Even if there were a perfect tree already cut for the same price, he would still prefer to cut one down. Once we get it in the house he is very protective of it, asking me to please not brush up against it lest it lose it's needles. This is very funny to me. He also likes to sleep by the tree at least one night before Christmas, something that his family did. I love that he loves traditions and holidays so much.

This weekend we went to the Santa parade. You can see the nativity scene in the background in front of the library. I'm glad our town still has one.

I have gone to this parade since I was a little girl and Santa is always the same man. I wonder if he's always looked like Santa?

In the parade in our town, there are many tractors. I actually didn't know there were so many different kinds of tractors. We were behind this man driving home from the parade.