I heart comments! How lucky am I? I love all the comments that you have been leaving. I especially love to know that people actually read my blog. I think I would blog even no one read my blog, because I love to write. But it's special to know that you care. I'm jealous of the three hundred episodes of AIO that Sarah and Paul have stored up for thier little someday monkeys. I love the positive comments about the names - especially from Grampa Mark :) I think that I will continue in the Peter's tradition and make all two year olds listen to AIO, I'm sure she loves it! And I love that Jeana took the time to find out what my names mean.
I tend to be a blogstalker myself. I read the blogs of persons I have no connection with, except for maybe similar values and beliefs or interests. It's kind of relaxing, like watching TV. Of course I love to read the blogs of you all that I actually know, to keep up with your lives. My Dad just started a blog, I think it's called "did I buy that?" but I can't find it on blogsearch. I'll have to get the specifics from him.
Someone once told me that pregnant people have better immune systems. Well, that's is a lie! I have been sick twice now. And I have this itchy nose, itchy eyes type thing, like allergies, that I can't get rid of. This morning I am a bit miserable. I probably need to start eating better. Paul has been getting rid of stuff in preparation for the baby (in some cases actually burning it). We have a small "office" where we will put the crib and changing table. We already scored a crib for 50$ at a garage sale. And since the space has no windows I think I will put up some of those decorative lights. Our barn apartment is not really "baby friendly" and we will definately have to move before the little one starts walking around.
Have a great Saturday! I can hear the wind and rain outside and we are in for a very blustery weekend. It was raining so hard yesterday that the kids had to play under the playshed for all three recesses. It wasn't supposed to start raining until later today but I hear it already. I think I will get my candles out just in case the power goes out.
November 04, 2006
November 03, 2006
I absolutely can't wait for my kids to be old enough to listen to Adventures in Odyssey. Of course by then it will be "so ten years ago mom!" I don't care, I'll listen to it on my own. I used to wash dishes at a certain time each night that I knew it would be on the radio. Unfortunately, our local radio station only plays in on Saturday mornings now.
Have a great weekend! We are in for a wet one here in Washington. I am going home to make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
October 31, 2006
Baby Robinson is four months old today!
This is a pic of a fetus at four months (but it's not my baby, I know some of you were confused last time). According to Jeana (and my doctor and the internet) I should be able to feel my baby move anytime now. Interesting story about Jeana, she and I found out we were prengnant on the same day! The morning after I took the test, I got a myspace bulletin that said she took a test last night and found it was positive. She is due a few weeks before me and this is her second child. So she's an experienced mama. We've been swapping stories ever since. A link to her blog is on my blogroll.
Fun quote from today: "Teacher, your belly is cute. It's nice and fat."
In about a month we will have our official "finding out" ultrasound. And we will not keep it a secret from you. Although, I now understand why people sometime keep the name a secret. I will seriously consider this with my next pregnancy. People don't seem to understand that I don't really care what their opinion of my choice in names is. If anything it makes me more decided to use the name. Probably about five people now have let me know that they don't care for the names. And since I know you are wondering what they are, I will tell you, but they are subject to change without notice.
Boy: Elias Paul Robinson (Eli for short)
Girl: Eliza Joy Robinson or Eliza Jane Robinson (Ellie for short) or Eva Jane Robinson
Now please don't leave a comment telling me you don't like the name. I am certain to delete it. If, however, you have something positive to say about the name, by all means let me know.
October 29, 2006
I'm not buying it! (or - my theory about maternity clothes)
warning: this may be long and boring to you if you are not currently or are not ever planning to be pregnant
Yesterday, I went to Portland to shop for maternity clothes. I made this special trip because shopping for maternity clothes anywhere within thirty miles of my house is - well - depressing for me. I have a hard time finding clothes for my normal body because I am a long person, I have long arms and long legs, making places like Target a virtual impossibility. Little did I know, that shopping for maternity clothes ANYWHERE would be well - depressing. Now, another thing is, I am a picky shopper, I don't ever by anything I don't love. I also shop alone, as a rule, because other people slow me down, with the exception of my mom, who I've been shopping with, well, since day one. Another things is, I don't go shopping very often, so when I do it's with a strategy and it's serious. All that to say, I am not your typical shopper.
Before I started shopping I was really looking forward to this stage of pregnancy when I got to start wearing maternity clothes because I LOVE the way a pregnant body looks! And don't get me wrong, I love my little bump :) BUT - I am disappointed that most maternity clothes seem expressly purposed to COVER UP that bump and not to accentuate the beauty of it. Plus, maybe I'm being a little snooty here, I think they are ugly. There, I said it, they are ugly, that's my opinion. One little thing, there are a few designers that make beautiful maternity clothes, but, and here's the big surprise, your can't buy them for under 50 bucks a piece, which is alot to pay for something you are only going to wear for 6 months.
So my plan of attack when I entered Portland was to hit the resale shops. However, most resale shops that carry maternity clothes are resale kids clothes with about two racks of resale or consignment maternity clothes. I had the best luck at Picolina in the Clinton neighborhood. I bought 2 things there. I hit maybe 6 of these kind of shops, thinking it would be the cheapest way to buy the things I needed. I was really disappointed. Not only did nothing fit, it wasn't my syle, and I felt like I was being covered up, "tented" if you will. Finally, I decided to stop into my favorite "normal clothes" store because I needed a break. I was complaining to the person there about not being able to find maternity clothes.
"oh hoooooooney", she said, "I never wore maternity clothes with any of my kids."
I stared blankly at her.
"oh yeah, I just wore normal clothes that were very stretchy."
And with that, she started filling up my dressing room with clothes that would fit me in pregnancy and beyond. Let me tell you, I think this could actually work. It seems stupid (yeah, I said stupid) to buy clothes that you don't really like and are only going to wear for 6 months. I think someone has tricked us pregnant women into thinking that we actually NEED this stuff.
But I bet you are wondering how this works, how regular clothes could actually fit your pregnant body. Let me tell you what I bought yesterday:
1. one black skirt that fits under my belly
2. two very long and stretchy long sleeved t-shirts (fortunately this happens to be "in" right now so I found them easily)
3. one of those really long sweaters that go down to your knees
My plan is this: don't waste my money on maternity clothes. We'll see how this plan works but right now I think it's a good one. Who knows, I may be so huge in my 7th or 8th month that I just have to go out and buy the wretched stuff.
I'd like to hear from my girlfriends: have you had problems of this kind? what was your take on maternity clothes? do you think I can make it?
warning: this may be long and boring to you if you are not currently or are not ever planning to be pregnant
Yesterday, I went to Portland to shop for maternity clothes. I made this special trip because shopping for maternity clothes anywhere within thirty miles of my house is - well - depressing for me. I have a hard time finding clothes for my normal body because I am a long person, I have long arms and long legs, making places like Target a virtual impossibility. Little did I know, that shopping for maternity clothes ANYWHERE would be well - depressing. Now, another thing is, I am a picky shopper, I don't ever by anything I don't love. I also shop alone, as a rule, because other people slow me down, with the exception of my mom, who I've been shopping with, well, since day one. Another things is, I don't go shopping very often, so when I do it's with a strategy and it's serious. All that to say, I am not your typical shopper.
Before I started shopping I was really looking forward to this stage of pregnancy when I got to start wearing maternity clothes because I LOVE the way a pregnant body looks! And don't get me wrong, I love my little bump :) BUT - I am disappointed that most maternity clothes seem expressly purposed to COVER UP that bump and not to accentuate the beauty of it. Plus, maybe I'm being a little snooty here, I think they are ugly. There, I said it, they are ugly, that's my opinion. One little thing, there are a few designers that make beautiful maternity clothes, but, and here's the big surprise, your can't buy them for under 50 bucks a piece, which is alot to pay for something you are only going to wear for 6 months.
So my plan of attack when I entered Portland was to hit the resale shops. However, most resale shops that carry maternity clothes are resale kids clothes with about two racks of resale or consignment maternity clothes. I had the best luck at Picolina in the Clinton neighborhood. I bought 2 things there. I hit maybe 6 of these kind of shops, thinking it would be the cheapest way to buy the things I needed. I was really disappointed. Not only did nothing fit, it wasn't my syle, and I felt like I was being covered up, "tented" if you will. Finally, I decided to stop into my favorite "normal clothes" store because I needed a break. I was complaining to the person there about not being able to find maternity clothes.
"oh hoooooooney", she said, "I never wore maternity clothes with any of my kids."
I stared blankly at her.
"oh yeah, I just wore normal clothes that were very stretchy."
And with that, she started filling up my dressing room with clothes that would fit me in pregnancy and beyond. Let me tell you, I think this could actually work. It seems stupid (yeah, I said stupid) to buy clothes that you don't really like and are only going to wear for 6 months. I think someone has tricked us pregnant women into thinking that we actually NEED this stuff.
But I bet you are wondering how this works, how regular clothes could actually fit your pregnant body. Let me tell you what I bought yesterday:
1. one black skirt that fits under my belly
2. two very long and stretchy long sleeved t-shirts (fortunately this happens to be "in" right now so I found them easily)
3. one of those really long sweaters that go down to your knees
My plan is this: don't waste my money on maternity clothes. We'll see how this plan works but right now I think it's a good one. Who knows, I may be so huge in my 7th or 8th month that I just have to go out and buy the wretched stuff.
I'd like to hear from my girlfriends: have you had problems of this kind? what was your take on maternity clothes? do you think I can make it?
From Babycenter:
"At around 4 inches long, crown to rump, your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. He's busy inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which will help the air sacs in his lungs develop. His legs are growing longer than his arms now, and he can move all his joints and limbs. That means his hands are more functional, too. Sweat glands are appearing, and although his eyelids are fused shut, he can sense light. If you were to shine a flashlight at your tummy, he'd be likely to move away from the beam."
"At around 4 inches long, crown to rump, your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. He's busy inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which will help the air sacs in his lungs develop. His legs are growing longer than his arms now, and he can move all his joints and limbs. That means his hands are more functional, too. Sweat glands are appearing, and although his eyelids are fused shut, he can sense light. If you were to shine a flashlight at your tummy, he'd be likely to move away from the beam."
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