March 22, 2007

36 (and a half) week appointment

Doctor: "Well, you are 3 cm dialated and the baby's head is in perfect position."
Me: "So what does that mean?"
Doctor: "It means that the baby could come today or within the next three weeks but you probably aren't going to be pregnant for much longer."
Me: ....
Doctor: ....
Me: .... yeah .... I wasn't really ready for that....
Doctor: I hope you have the carseat in the car.

Up until now I had been banking on the fact that I wouldn't deliver until AFTER my due date. I mean, no one delivers before thier due date when it's thier first. I was two weeks late, Paul was two weeks late... Like Paul said today, "You know it's coming but secretly you think that it will never come."

The carseat situation was also complicated. You see, I had taken the carseat completely apart because it was used and I wanted to wash it, every part of it, absolutely every part of it. I had been procrastinating putting it back together because it took me about an hour to take apart and I didn't want to admit to my husband that I had no idea how to put it back together.

So the major accomplishment for tonight was installing the carseat. At least that's done. And he did put it back together for me. Next, I need to pack my bag for the hospital, if you can believe I haven't even done that yet.

I promise that someday I will quit talking about my pregnancy! I know how frustrating it can be to hear about all the time, but that's my life right now.

In other news, Paul's last day of school was today! Wahoo, he is officially a project manager. He also had an interview today, which went well. Tomorrow I will take him out to dinner to celebrate.


Jeana said...

3cm! Already!?! Are you feeling contractions? I'm so excited for you! And good job on getting the carseat taken care of--I still have to get ours in the car. But my bags are finally packed. Kind of. ;) Oh my word--THREE centimeters?!!

Annie said...

Yeah, I don't really know what three centimeters means, so I'm happy that you are excited about it. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions, but none are painful at all. I still need to pack our bags, will probably do that tonight.

Jeana said...

Well, when you get to 4 or 5 centimeters you are usually in active labor. 10 centimeters is when you start pushing. So three centimeters seems like stuff has really gotten started! It still could take days or even weeks but its great that body is already starting to get prepared for the big stuff!

Aly sun said...

It is exciting, but I was at 2 for 2 weeks, then at 4 for about 2 days. It can take forever. We decided to wait to come visit until there is a little baby to see. See you soon!

matt & cheryl said...

YAY!! i can't WAIT to meet baby robinson!!! i'm glad you talk about this all the time!! i love reading!!! love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow, pack quick! Never believe what people say about first childbirths. My mom had me (her oldest) after a 3 hour labor!! And she said she said she only felt "butterflies" which is why she didn't know she was really in early labor before that. And the first births are supposed to take the longest time!! Just shows, you never know and everyone's different.