Our friend Mark recently started his own blog Growing Together. Check it out! His blog is on wordpress, which I am actually thinking of switching to. Mark was roomates and friends with Paul at Multnomah .
Why am I thinking of switching? Well, Paul has requested that I not post pictures of our children on the blog. And I am obviously going to honor that because he is the head of our household and the protector of our family. Wordpress has the option of password protecting posts. In other words, my blog would be public, but when I want to post something personal such as information or pictures of my kids, I can password protect just that one entry. By the way, Paul loves the fact that I blog, and this has not been a source of contention at all, just an area that I feel I need to be obedient in. So if I decide to go this route, you'll have our password, that is, if you actually know us.
I thought password protecting was a new option on Blogger Beta, too...? Well, whatever you do, I think Paul is wise about not posting pics of the kids and password protection sounds like a great solution.
I love Good Earth, too!
I too, have been considering switching to WordPress. Its a pretty sweet platform (I actually have been digging around in it for a couple of weeks).
One thing they don't do very well in Brazil (at least this part) is tea. I really miss a hot sip of tea before bed on a rainy Vancouver/Portland winter night. Good Earth is also one of my favorite things.
I did a little research and I think if you want to password protect your blogger blog, you have to password protect the whole thing, not just certain posts, as far as I can tell.
Hey Annie- I love Good Earth tea too. I like that you don't need to sweeten it because it is perfect just the way it is! I also enjoy the Orange Tangerine Zinger by Stash with a little blackberry honey from the Co-op! yum, yum. I do miss the walks we used to take around the old neighborhood Annie. Thanks for coming to visit me and spending the whole day with me- what a treat!
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