Baby Robinson is four months old today!
This is a pic of a fetus at four months (but it's not my baby, I know some of you were confused last time). According to Jeana (and my doctor and the internet) I should be able to feel my baby move anytime now. Interesting story about Jeana, she and I found out we were prengnant on the same day! The morning after I took the test, I got a myspace bulletin that said she took a test last night and found it was positive. She is due a few weeks before me and this is her second child. So she's an experienced mama. We've been swapping stories ever since. A link to her blog is on my blogroll.
Fun quote from today: "Teacher, your belly is cute. It's nice and fat."
In about a month we will have our official "finding out" ultrasound. And we will not keep it a secret from you. Although, I now understand why people sometime keep the name a secret. I will seriously consider this with my next pregnancy. People don't seem to understand that I don't really care what their opinion of my choice in names is. If anything it makes me more decided to use the name. Probably about five people now have let me know that they don't care for the names. And since I know you are wondering what they are, I will tell you, but they are subject to change without notice.
Boy: Elias Paul Robinson (Eli for short)
Girl: Eliza Joy Robinson or Eliza Jane Robinson (Ellie for short) or Eva Jane Robinson
Now please don't leave a comment telling me you don't like the name. I am certain to delete it. If, however, you have something positive to say about the name, by all means let me know.
I love all your names! I love how they sound, the nicknames, and all their meanings. Elias=The Lord is my God. Eliza=Consecrated to God. Eva=Life. So beautiful, all of them. I'm really glad we get to be pregnancy buddies together. :D
I like all the names too. We waited to tell people what name we picked out for Emmaleigh. It was funny watching people's reactions. The one benefit to waiting to announce the name is that people are less likely to tell you to your face that they don't like it - usually. Most people just say, "Ooohh, why did you decide on that name?" with raised eye brows. Have fun!!!!
Hey, thanks for the positive comments! Looking back on my blog today I thought I may have come on a little strong about the names, but oh well. One thing my aunt Kathi mentioned is that they all start with E and are all similar. I don't know why we are drawn to these names, but we definately won't be choosing "all E names" or "all S names" (no offense Jeff Peters :). So if we do decide on one of these names we won't use the others. We won't have an Elias and an Eliza. I feel like I could write a whole blog about names right now but I won't, I have to go home and start on report cards.
That makes me laugh! Both my sister and I are "A"s and of course, the whole Peters' family are "J"s. We are not going to do that, although it is funny how people assume that you will. Eliza, Elias, and Eva will get along great with Emmaleigh. ;)
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