Introducing....Elias Paul Robinson! These are his feet. Don't be worried if you can't see them. They are really there.

This is a profile.
Another profile with arm over chest.
And this is his boyness. It's easier to see if you pretend you are looking up from underneath.
Ultrasound Lady: Do you have a sense of humor?
Us: Yes! (at this point we still didn't know the sex)
Ultrasound Lady: Well, there is his penis and right nxt to it you can see his hand.
Overall, it was a very good experience for both of us. Paul considers a good experience at the doctor's office one where he remains concious the entire time. We were both really impressed with how much we could see, the four chambers of the heart, important arteries, bladder, kidneys, brain. It looks like we have a very healthy baby boy! The technician gave us a 95% certainty, which is the highest she will go. She even showed us a testicle, so we are pretty much buying boy stuff.
Thank you for praying for a healthy baby!
Aw! He looks just like you! :D I'm so excited for you! I know I keep saying that but you just have to believe me--I am just grinning from ear to ear! Praise the Lord for this incredible blessing!
We are very excited that your family is growing. We had no idea how much Brooke would change our lives. Here is a link to our yahoo photos:
Could you e-mail us with your current address to us so we can send you a Christmas card?
Mark, Jennifer, and Brooke
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