Blustery Days and such...
There was no school yesterday because of a wind and rainstorm that cut power to most of the little community I teach in, but not my house. So I was at the gym, getting ready for the day and I get a message on my cell phone telling me there's no school. My first reaction is "YIPEEE!" My second thought is, "What am I going to do all day?" Now, normally this would not be a problem but it was a three (now four) day weekend and I had been extremely efficient. Paul was not around for me to hang out with and he had taken the computer WITH him (no blogging or obsessing over baby names on the internet?)! I had two choices, watch daytime television or be creative. You mom's are all probably laughing. I know, in just five months I will pray to God to have the problem of nothing to do, but right now, in my childless and efficient state, it was a problem. Don't worry, I am very good at relaxing and soon found myself in an overstuffed chair at Starbucks with a parenting magazine (doing my homework, you see). Then I meandered on home and organized my whole closet, putting all the clothes that no longer fit (which is about half of them) into boxes. Then I started on a knitting project, then I started on another knitting project, then I read, then I made myself the most gormet taco salad you have ever seen. You get the picture. I went over to my mom and dad's just as they were hooking up the generator to their fridge. At this point they'd been without power for sixteen hours.
ME: "Wouldn't it be funny if as soon as you got the fridge working the power came on?"
They didn't think that would be very funny, but you know what happened? About 30 second after they hooked it up the power blinked back on.
Funny story! I am impressed with your efficiency. I would have spent the day watching movies, no doubt. :)
Oh, and congratulations on your upcoming new addition!
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