I'm back!
Sorry for the lack of blogs, another one of those blogging dry spells. Open house was a success! I actually love this part. Schmoozing with parents! I used to hate it and I've come a long way. What have we been up to lately? Paul started back to school, I had an all day math class on Saturday (glad that's over), we had a potluck on Sunday after church with some visitors from Alaska, had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, open house. We've been pretty busy. I've been pretty tired (going to sleep around 8:30 or 9) but everyone promises that in my next trimester (one week away) I will have more energy. The thing that's surprised me the most is how emotional I've been. Not normally a cryer. Now I cry about little things (like extreme home makeover). Like I read on one pregnant lady's blog, "we definately shouldn't be eligable for jury duty". And other things too. Paul's not so sure I should even be driving (judgement impaired, you know!). This book has been one of my favorites (my mom loaned it to us), especially for Paul, because he can feel left out sometimes, but he really loves the science part of it, and hearing things like our baby is growing fingernails. He's hooked on it. It's really more of a coffee table book, with real pictures inside the womb. It's probably really expensive.
I had better get my you know what movin' so I can get to the gym and watch Oprah. It'll probably make me cry.
1 comment:
Hi, I found you through my Word Press Blog Stats. Congrautulations on your pregnancy!
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