Currently reading: How come no one told me that Sherlock Holmes was so good? I have to tell you that I have given up on new fiction. Rarely does something come out that is worth reading. I have reverted to classics. Right now I am listening to the last book in the Anne of Green Gables series in the car, on the way to and from work. I also just finished reading God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew, which couldn't really be considered a classic, but good anyway. Please give me suggestions on what to read next. What is your must-read right now? Leave comments.
Hi Annie!
I just finished reading "In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weiner. The first chapter is a little racy, but the character depth and relationship changes are the best I've read in a new fiction book for a long time. I also rented the movie based on this book and when it was done, my husband said, "That was a really GOOD movie," with a sigh of contentment. =)
thanks jeana, I will check it from the library. What was the movie called?
Also called, In Her Shoes. It's starring Cameron Diaz, Toni Collete, and Shirley McClaine. =) I also read Little Earthquakes by the same author and I really enjoyed that one, too.
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