March 02, 2004

There are some seriously impressive blogs out there. It makes me feel humble. These people have links and you can leave messages for them and everything. It's amazing. I have been having fun checking out blogs from teachers and also christian blogs.
Check this one out from a christian teacher: What in Tarnation?
Also, this one is impressive. There is so much so see. I'm still trying to figure out how to let people email me. Jen Speaks
Stayed home today (no jobs) and washed all my windows, inside and out. The reason for this was because I really couldn't stand to look at another job posting. I would rather do housework than job hunt. I also found the coolest cow serving tray at a thrift store. The bad news is that there is no more housework to do, so if I stay home tomorrow I'm stuck with the job hunting.

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