December 18, 2003

Yesterday I was in a kindergarten classroom that had A LOT of pets. Have I ever told you how much I don't care for classroom pets? I counted how many pets there were:
5 rats (my absolute least favorite)
1 hamster (almost as bad as a rat)
2 guinea pigs (not so bad)
1 rabbit
3 crabs
walking sticks
a canary
(These last three are the only three I would consider owning. No biting or fur involved.)
I don't mind being in the same room with these animals as long as they are in cages, but when the teacher asked me to feed them I considered reviewing my job description. My main concern was the rats, but the guinea pigs were making hissing noises at me!!!! I found a solution though - I know that kindergarteners LOVE to feed pets (just like they love to squeeze and "pet" them). So I just asked a girl if she would be my helper and made sure that she was the one who reached into the cage and got the food bowl out. The animals didn't attack her hand - which I really didn't think would happen but you never know.

Another funny thing that happened.
When I was counting the animals I noticed an aquarium full of sticks and leaves so I asked a student, "What kind of animal is in that aquarium?"
She said, "Oh, there's drumsticks in there."
"Yeah, drumsticks."
I looked closer for some sort of insect I didn't know about. Probably deadly. They were walking sticks.

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