July 27, 2006

I was reminded of a story that I meant to blog about at the time and didn't. My mother in law said she sent it in to reader's digest:)

OK, My friend Sarah bought us Tshirts that say "I love Paul" on them because we are both married to someone named Paul. Our Pauls have Tshirts that say "Paul" on them. It's very cute, I should have a picture of all of us together. Anyway, I happened to be wearing this T-shirt one day when I was walking into Wild Oats (a grocery story)and there was a person outside giving free samples of Silk Soy Smoothies (or something similar). Well, I got my free sample and I was chatting with the young man about his product and then I said goodbye and turned to walk away. THEN - I hear him call out from behind me, "Who do you love?!?" Now, I had totally forgotten that I was wearing the shirt and hadn't the foggiest idea what he was talking about. His product? was it a pickup line? I turned slowly and said, "ummm, silk soymilk?" He gave me the weirdest look, "No, you love Paul!" he said laughing. At this point you would have thought that I would have figured it out. But no. I'm Annie, remember. "How did you know that?" I said. This man was cracking up. Anyway, you can guess how the rest went.

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