May 03, 2006

I have been teaching about non-fiction procedural writing, which is fancy for "how-to". One of the things we are studying right now is recipes, and I thought it would be cool if each child brought a recipe from home and I made a recipe book for each mom for mother's day. So I ask each child to bring a recipe from home, one that's special to them or that they just like a lot.

Child: "In our family, we don't use recipes, we just eat normal food."

I ask you, what has this world come to? Now I am one that makes more homemade food than most, but NO recipes? All food from a box? I find it hard to believe. Anyone, woman or man, with the least streak of domesticity would have at LEAST one favorite recipe. Do people not ever cook? At least on Christmas?
I do find that the freezer section at my local Walmart is strangely crowded. And I do admit, I have a weekness for fish sticks. And when I am busy I do pop a 50 cent chicken pot pie in the oven. I guess I just found this comment very sad, because I love food so much.

To each his own, however unhealthy it may be.

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