May 18, 2006

For a while I have been so irritated at the evangelical community that I am a part of. Why so much hysteria over the Davinci movie? It's just a book / movie, and it has lies in it, but people tell us lies all day long, what's the fuss over this one? I finally put my finger on it today when I read this very articulate article. Let me know what you think:

Maybe we could take some of this fear / hysteria and direct it at the pornography industry? abortion? anything else! just a thought.

1 comment:

Jeana said...

The link isn't working for me, Annie. But I will say, that I have been irrated for the same reason. The DaVinci Code is FICTION. I actually thought the book was a good read and it's hard for me to understand the uproar--It's like the evangelical community assumes that everyone is foolish and can't determine truth from fiction.

I think most evangelicals find it much easier to attack the things that seem far away from their personal lives, The DaVinci Code, abortion, homosexuality, etc. But it's harder to fight and easier to turn a blind eye at the issues that hit closer to home, pornography, divorce, busyness, etc.

I'll check back on that link--maybe it will work for me later. I curious about the article.