March 14, 2006

I was listening to our local Christian radio station when I went to work this morning the impossible question of the day was, experts say doing 15 minutes of this everyday with make you less stressed. Guess what it was? journaling! Which is almost the same as blogging. I have been needing this validation for some time because this means,

blogging is good for you!

I spend at least 15 min to half an hour looking at other people's blogs everyday, and sometimes writing my own. But this gives me a REASON, you know, other than just blogging for blogging's sake. Right now, for example, I am sitting in my classroom, blogging, when I should be planning, cleaning, and so on. But no, I'm eating peanut butter and blogging. Well. Stress relief.
Stress relief is something I need. I have spent 27.5 hours in the last month just going to classes on top of my work. I can't complain, I volunteered for most of it. And I really do enjoy most of it too. But it's still work and if there's anything I've learned from being a teacher for the past year and a half it's that work that's fun it STILL work, and you need to take a little time to blog now and then.
Speaking of, horror of all horrors, I woke up on Saturday to about 2 inches of snow. And what did I have planned for Saturday? I had to go to a math class. I can really identify with children who have to go to school when it snows now. It's tough to leave all that white stuff because you know it will be melted when you get back. Paul had a good time playing in the snow. He grew up in Costa Rica, so snow is quite the novelty for him, and he loves it.
Well, blackboards and lesson plans await me....

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