August 12, 2005

camping again
We just got back from camping with our friends, the Johansen's. I really wanted to post some pictures today but I realized that my camera is not available. I will put them on soon. I have never camped with friends before (always family or just Paul and I) and it was so much fun. We are already planning for next year. The beach was beautiful and this was one of those campgrounds with real toilets and showers and yurts with cable TV. More like a resort really. Paul calls it "fake" camping. I think he had fun nonetheless. Paul thinks it's a rule that you can't take a shower when you are camping or it's not really camping. I took one twice a day. Who knows when I will ever get the chance to take a shower whilst camping again?
This "fake" camping was much less peaceful than the camping I am used to. The first two nights we were actually surrounded by campsites filled with churchgoers attending family camp. Not a good situation. Tons of kids, everywhere, with those little walkie-talkies cranked up to the highest volume possible. Now I am a fan of kids, but I'm also a fan of peace and quiet (I'm aware that you parents are snickering at me right now). We moved to a quieter site the next night.
Pictures to come.

1 comment:

Aly sun said...

Jeff would agree. He calls it "city camping." It is nice to just drive up to a site, unpack your stuff and "camp." None of this hiking-in stuff.