June 29, 2005

I love best friends! My friend Sarah emailed me a test to take to see where I stood on the "type A, type b" scale. Turns out I am actually a "type b" personality. I am glad because the actual definition of a "type a" personality is quite scary. I don't think Paul is a "type a" either, though he definitely has some more obsessive tendencies than I. Do you know that he won't drink water from the bathroom sink just because it's in the bathroom? I fill my water glass from the bathroom sink all the time.
Something else I found out: I am of "average" intelligence! Hallelujah!
I will try to post the websites where you can take both the personality tests and the IQ tests. Let me warn you, they are addicting!

1 comment:

Life is Beautiful said...

I love my 'type b' best friend! The type a definition freaked me out too! And 'type a' people are at high risk for heart disease! Breathe a sigh of relief!