March 03, 2005

Things I have learned about living in the country:

1. Garbage can be a complicated thing. When I used to visit my parents I would always have to ask, "Where do I put this?" when I had something that needed to be thrown away. And I knew I had committed a garbage faux pas when someone said, "Who put this in the compost?" (it was always me). Now I am wiser and Paul and I even have our own little complicated garbage system. We actually have at least five places that we put our garbage, depending on whether it is burnable, compostable, recyclable, or just garbage. It was so easy in Portland - we just put it in the dumpster.
2. Horses know when you are afraid of them.
3. Potlucks are better here.
4. There are not as many things to do here, but that's just fine. At first we were always looking for something to do. We stopped looking for things to do and just did the things we felt like doing. We do less things now but we enjoy being together more.
5. We still miss our friends - a lot.

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