May 18, 2004

Well, I just wrote a gut-wrenching, heart-breaking post about my spiritual struggle with job searching, but it accidentally got erased, so I will not write it over again. It's a cloudy day here in Lake Wobegon (er- I mean Portland). The mist is rising over the West Hills. It's a day when I wish I had a bike.
I don't know if any of you know this but Paul and I have some pet birds. Well, they really are wild and they live outside but we like to think of them as our own. We hung a bird feeder a couple months ago and now our house is the most popular gourmet hangout for all the birds in Portland. Seriously, birdseed is going to start taxing our budget. Someday, when I have my own digital camera I will take a picture. I can hear them right now because the backdoor is open. It's very comforting and now I think living here would be boring without the sound of our pet birds. Another thing about pets, I want a dog, but Paul is against it. That's another post.....

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