January 16, 2004

I haven't written much lately because I haven't been working much lately - with the storm and everything. So today I was in one of my favorite classrooms - a first second split - and they are just so funny.
There are some conversations that teachers just aren't supposed to overhear, and when I hear them, I usually just chuckle and ignore them. Today I heard one that went something like this:
BOY: "It's not true, I never even kissed her!" (this is what I heard first so you can imagine why I kept listening)
GIRL: "But you are her boyfriend."
BOY: (very insistant) "No - I'm - not."
GIRL: "But you know even though you don't think you are her girlfriend, you are because she says so. It's like, she doesn't have to be your girlfriend but you are still her boyfriend."
BOY: "I give up."

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